Friday, December 17, 2010

I'd better get Knitting

You know, it's always about this time of year, when the snow flies, and it's frickin' cold, that I realize I should have started knitting mittens in June. Maybe they would be done (for once) when the snow flies, and it's frickin' cold. I have one of Nicholas' felted mittens done. And half a cuff on the other one. Oh and I bought the yarn for the girls' mittens.
So here is our blizzard (as taken by Brian):

And the good news on the Christmas PJ front? I found the patterns! They were in a drawer in the kitchen (and why wouldn't they be??). Oh yeah, and since JoannDOTcom (I am writing it like this, because I don't want anyone to make a mistake and click on a link that will take you to an evil, unorganized hole-"That's all I got to say about that.") screwed up my order, I have flannel for exactly ONE pair of pajamas. Which means I see a flannel run in my future.

Our Christmas cards should be coming today. Those of you who do not have multiple children might not realize how hard it is to get a decent picture (and those of you who do will understand why I bought a fast camera!) Unless of course you are one of those mom's who have complete angels as children. Bah. Anyway, I thought I would share some of the rejects with you (the last is my favorite of Emily):

Happy Friday everyone!

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Knit Picks Wishlist

Well, if I post this on my blog, then maybe I'll win it right? That would rock! So here I am posting this on my blog ;)

My Knit Picks Wishlist

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lawn Mowers in November...

...should have already been winterized. But alas, I am hearing my jackass neighbors mow their lawn. Look, I know you are excited it is 60 degrees in November in Wisconsin. But COME ON! Enjoy not shoveling--and not mowing--and just get outside! Of course it is possible they are happy to mow the dog poop rather than pick it up...

I have to change the progress bar on the scarf for Emily back down to 50%. I finished the ball of yarn, but it is definitely NOT a one ball scarf, as the label lied and told me. Even for my little girl, this scarf would barely tie once around her I'm going to have to buy another ball and knit that one too.

In other news--my family went to Wisconsin Dells and I didn't even get a lousy T-Shirt. That's ok though--I DID get to work 20 hours on the Reference desk. (which, despite some long 8 hour days, was pretty fun!).

My big BIG news?? The Friends of the Appleton Library (FOAL) sponsored their first annual Book n Bowl and held a raffle. The prizes were pretty great--vacations, Packers/Bears tickets, and iPad. Of course the only one I REALLY wanted was the iPad...and guess who won!? Wanna see it?

Brian and I are currently addicted to Angry Birds, although his boss says Angry Birds Halloween rocks too.

Snow White turned out great--and so did Anna's peacock costume she made herself!!! Luigi looked great too, but he was $19 at Walmart!

Look at those feather eyelashes! And look at the BEAUTIFUL sweater that Thora made her in the perfect color!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

October Knitting

About time to update my damn blog, eh?

Alright, I have been busy. I lost my jobs at APL, and I am now working at NPL, which is just really, well, nice. The people are nice, the patrons are nice, and I enjoy going to work.

DD #1's behavior has become a huge problem. I know in the coming years, it will only get worse. I am at my wit's end wondering what on earth I did to make her decide that stealing, lying and sneaking is acceptable. *sigh*

Anyway, enough family complaining. I could go on all day with that, and that's boring. Let me move on to knitting--I took a little hiatus, and have decided I'd better start moving PDQ if I'm going to get my kids some warm garments before it gets REALLY cold.

So what did I do. I bought some Red Heart Pomp-a-doodle. Seriously, what the hell was I thinking??

I HATE novelty yarn, and here I am working with pompoms on a string. But it's surprisingly, um, not difficult to knit with. And the finished product makes a thick, terry cloth feeling scarf. I'm embarrassed to say I'm pretty happy with it.

Oh and I found some Homespun that matches it to make mittens and a hat with for Ms. Emily.
Otherwise, I just finished sewing a Snow White costume (that was much more labor intensive than I'd like), and I started as an Independent Consultant with Scentsy. If I can make a little extra money selling a product I believe in (I'm all about the scents!) I'm there! So I'm excited about that new venture, pretty sure I will be horrible at it, but I'm willing to try. :)

I also tried to get a job at the local Joann's teaching knitting. It was looking pretty promising, until I rearranged my schedule to meet with the person and bring in some FO's, got pictures developed of other FO's I'd given away, etc. I called that morning to hear, "Well, the bad news is you have to meet with a manager, and I forgot to tell you that. But she's here today! But she kind of doesn't know about you or that you are coming." Now I see the sign looking for someone is down--so maybe my timing was bad. Or maybe their organization (or scary lack-there-of) tells me I didn't want to work there, even just for the discount. Ah wasn't meant to be.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Joke for my Anna

A kindergarten teacher handed out a coloring page to her class. On it was a picture of a duck holding an umbrella. The teacher told her class to color the duck in yellow and the umbrella green, however, Bobby, the class rebel, coloured the duck in a bright fire truck red. After seeing this, the teacher asked him: "Bobby, how many times have you seen a red duck?" Young Bobby replied with "The same number of times I've seen a duck holding an umbrella."

(When she was in Kindergarten, Anna's first conference involved her teacher and the school psychologist. Apparently, Anna colored her apple purple instead of red--as the teacher told her to--and this was cause for alarm. After Brian and I stopped laughing--causing the vein in her teacher's head to throb--we let her know that we pick and choose our battles with Anna, and purple apples would not be one we'd be picking. This joke reminded me of the whole incident!)

Monday, August 9, 2010 update

I know I have been woefully lacking in posts, but, truthfully, I haven't been knitting much this summer! I seem to be working on the same project, just doing a row here or there. It's a sweater for Emily (the kids asked for sweaters for school. Oy!)

Anyway, for Emily I am trying a Cottage Creations pattern, Kyler's Kardigan in Paton's Canadiana light pink.
I SWORE I would never try another Cottage Creations pattern, but I was at Herrschners store, and I was tempted. So far I can understand most of it, but it's not moving along very fast.

I had a busy day so far. I made beef soup for tomorrow
seared beef for fajitas tonight, made zucchini cake

and creamy cucumbers....mmmmm.
So I'm still alive. I'm taking the kids this afternoon to go see Shrek 4 at Fox Cinema. We haven't been there yet, so I'm hoping it's a good time! :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One little moth...

...can ruin your whole day.

Brian mentioned to me he'd seen little moths coming out of our room. I finally got up the courage to inspect my wool...and it's chewed to hell. I gathered up everything and put it in the big freezer downstairs, but I'm pretty upset. :(

From now on--quarantined yarn before it comes in (although it is possible my little "bug" girl brought them in the house) and rubbermaid containers. And "nuke the sight from's the only way to be sure."

In other news, I have more time to knit, since I've lost 2 of my 3 jobs. :(

Boy, this post is a bummer...sorry about the depressing update. I'll finish some knitting and be more upbeat next time!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring has Sprung

After a LONG winter, a taste of summer, and then back to SNOW, it finally seems like Spring may stick around for a while. I planted some flowers, and the columbine is flourishing:
(Emily's Violas)

And the strawberries are blooming very nicely!

I got some beautiful Mother's Day gifts:
And Anna had her Civil War Re-enactment. She got to recite the first verse of "Oh Captain! My Captain!" in front of 5th graders from five schools. I'm very proud of her!!

I have been doing some knitting, and even tried my hand at crochet. Here is a little preemie outfit I knit for friends in the UK. Of course I'm scared that by the time it gets to her, she'll have outgrown it!

I think it's time to knit some socks!! I did join the Loopy Ewe Sock Club Lite, and my first shipment is on it's way!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


That's pretty much all I have to say. Trying to avoid drama...possibility of drama today is high.

We went to Lake Michigan today--we didn't stay long, because it rained. BUT we did stop to see the Lester Public Library in Two Rivers. What a BEAUTIFUL library!! It's outstanding--and I was amazed by how quiet everyone was (and how well behaved!!) And they had a fish tank! You have to love a library that has a fish tank!

Anyway, on the way there I cast on the Arrowhead Lace headband. I really liked my haircut when I first got it, but it has this tapered look that is meant to hug my face. Unfortunately now, since it is longer, if I sleep wrong or brush it wrong, I tend to have the "Shawn Cassidy/Farrah Fawcett" 70's look, with the feathering. It's driving me crazy.

Anyway, I finished a headband today--I really like it, and I think I'll find some patterns to make some more. I also found 14" not stretched is the perfect length (at least with Cascade 220)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April Snow Showers

Ah, nothing like looking out the window on a fine Spring morning in Wisconsin:

Last week at this time I was sitting at a picnic table with my friend Greta, getting a sunburn. Today....meh.

I have been doing some knitting. Working on this little project for a friend ('s a surprise!)...

while my February Lady sweater has been in a holding pattern--but I did want to show you all it is a lot further along than the last picture I posted:

Toying with the idea of buying a Knit Kit. Problem is I already have something like that in a mini knitting bag, so I don't know that I can really justify the price. Ah well....

I went to yoga this morning. I had a different teacher than I usually do, who was very good--but lots of Downward Dog pose. It is my least favorite pose, so this morning was hard for me. I don't usually sweat so much at yoga, but I kinda smelled today.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yarn Battles

Oh Lisa Souza, I love you. I love your yarn. It is women like you who enable women like me to make beautiful things. And you are genuinely a nice person.

So when my order came today it was everything I thought it would be and more. The color was gorgeous. The yarn was unbelievably soft. I ran right downstairs to wind it into pretty balls so I can knit a beautiful shawlette.

But dear Lisa, I fear your yarn hates me. The other end, that wasn't being made into the pretty little ball right away, would not take no for an answer. It continued to wrap itself around my swift. So much so, I threatened. I yelled. Stork scissors did some things. I cannot be held responsible for what my Stork scissors does.

Anyway, part way through, my ball looked like this:

Unfortunately, I am not the most patient knitter. You would think this would be in a knitter's nature. Knitting takes time. But alas, I am more apt to see a mistake, and more likely than not, just fudge it. Unless it is lace, and very noticeable. Then I usually scream and chuck. Into the corner. Occasionally, I will pick up the object and frog and start over. Sometimes I throw it into a bag.

I am not a patient knitter.

So the remaining yarn on the swift and I had a discussion with my ball winder. The stork scissors stayed close by. I begged and whispered. I may have even yelled a word that started with an F. Fortunately for me (and for it) the remaining bit of yarn whispered back, and told me about that pesky end that continued to wrap itself around the swift? Well IT wanted to go into the ball first. So I did that...

And it worked. I had a cute little ball of yarn, not a lumpy monstrosity. A beautiful, soft, Lisa Souza monstrosity, but a monstrosity nonetheless.

So I took the wonky ball and began winding it into another ball. I had to splice it in one two several places. Stork scissors had been easily annoyed. But I was rewarded.

So my 3 beautiful balls of yarn and my ball winder, the Rubik's Cube (it was lonely) and even the Stork scissors found a way to get along.
So I am off to start a Shawlette. I am hoping Stork scissors does not need to get involved.

I might even go to Google Avenue to knit...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Saffy Jane

Ribbed Keyhole Scarf
Originally uploaded by lkopetsky
My sweet kitty Saffy Jane, passed away on Monday, March 15. She was 17 years old, and my "kid before I had kids". She was always such a good kitty, and never said boo about moving (a million times), new animals, new kids, etc. I couldn't have asked for a better pet--and I miss her like crazy. My heart is broken :(

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wisconsin Dells

We are spending the weekend at Wisconsin Dells. I've lived in Wisconsin my entire life, and I've never been here. My first impression driving to the hotel was that it looked a hell of a lot like Cocoa Beach with snow. Or like Stephen King says in his novel "Thinner": ..."That's the honkiest honky tonk of them all."

We're staying at Hotel Rome at Mt. Olympus. It looks great on paper. But I'd recommend staying anywhere else. There are no perks for people staying at the hotel (as in opening an hour earlier or staying open an hour later type things). We actually had to sign something that said we'd do the dishes or pay a fine. There is no maid service. Each bed comes with exactly one sheet and one thin blanket--not even a bed spread to divvy out. The wireless access is sub par at best (usually just one bar). There's no book/booklet in our room saying what time the pool/park opens or closes, what number to call for room service, etc. There isn't even a map of the exits on the door to tell us what to do in case of a fire (or tout their outrageous rack rates).

The water park isn't very exciting. We haven't been to the theme park--it closed at 6pm.

We had a very exotic breakfast this morning--Cracker Barrel! But I can't really say anything bad...Anna decided she loves grits, and the bacon was the absolute best I have had in a long while (and they sell it in the gift shop--honest they do!). This afternoon we went to Moosejaw pizza, which actually has giant moose on their cars to deliver (and it pretty much looks like the moose is humping the top of the car). It was really good--we would have gone last night, but the wait was an hour).

In between, we went to the House on the Rock in Spring Green. I've never been there, and it really is like nothing you've ever seen before. Watching Brian walk to the end of the Infinity room was quite a site, and the Carousel was amazing (and a little creepy!). I'll post pictures when I get them DEVELOPED. Yes my friends, Lynnette forgot her camera going to The House on the Rock. (actually, I didn't know we were going right after breakfast, so I didn't bring it). So I'm hoping the pics I took with the disposable (gulp!) turn out.

Other than that, I've done no knitting whatsoever. My chances of finishing Ravelympics are looking pretty bleak. The good news is after I take the little Cub Scouts to the library tomorrow, I don't work again until Thursday night when I work the Reference desk.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

After Day 1

Here is my progress so far (I cast on at 8:15pm CST last night):
I DID learn how to do a one row button hole, which I am pretty proud of!!

Oh and I also had my first pedicure ever! See my pretty toes?
OK, I do apologize for my ugly feet, but there really is so much that woman could do for $25. She isn't a miracle worker, although she DID mostly make my feet smooth (and very red LOL)

Friday, February 12, 2010

I must be insane.

Most of you who know me probably already believe this. A lot of you are too nice to say it. But it's true.

My knitting friends know the saga of me never making a sweater for myself in the 10+ years I have been knitting. So what do I do you ask...??

I am stupid woman enough to join the Sweaterboard Cross in the 2010 Ravelympics. I was going to do Mr. Greenjeans from Knitty, and I still think it's a beautiful sweater, but I have decided on the February Lady Sweater. A)I am a little intimidated by the cabling in Greenjeans and B) Thora told me I should make myself one and C) I have time constraints.

C)=Big Time.

I'm using some beautiful green Highland Peruvian Wool I bought from
(A lot of wool. I am not insubstantially sized)
I am set to cast on tonight at 8pm my time. I WILL finish this one, or you can all beat me with a wet noodle!!

OK, and to add to my insanity productivity I am also finishing squares for Victory Junction--I have until the checkered flag flies for Daytona, which gives me a couple days to finish up a few and send them out to be joined with fellow Fast Girls who are also working on them. And I am trying to find time to knit a pair of mittens for Afghans for Afghans latest project.

Well, at least it keeps me out of trouble!! And I do have incentive, besides helping other people and finally knitting myself a sweater--this little piece of yummy goodness from The Loopy Ewe is waiting for me at the finish line!