Sunday, January 13, 2008

Snow Day

What a difference a few days makes! Yesterday we had unexpected snow...and it's still snowing! I know Brett Favre loved it for the Packers win over the Seahawks yesterday! Maybe the Giants will win (Ok, the proverbial "Snowballs chance..." maybe for this one--Let's hope Romo has had too much Jessica Simpson in the off week...) and they can come to Green Bay and play in the snow next week. WAY better than going to Dallas.

So here are some snow pictures for you:

And remember that table from the other day?:

AND some really nice yarn I got in the mail:

Thora emailed me on the 1st and told me about Discontinued Brand Name Yarn's Cherry Tree Hill sale. Now, my budget is tight, and I really don't need any more sock yarn...but OH MAN Cherry Tree Hill is my favorite! So I splurged and bought 2 skeins. AND I was one of the first people and got the goody bag too...what a nice thing for them to do! So here is what I got with my order:

So I'll be set for a while! I think I'm going to break out "Knitting on the Road" by Nancy Bush and see what solid socks I can make!