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I also got an email from Naked Sheep today about their Lopi/Patons Classic Wool sale. It was great timing, as I was in the market for some Lopi. I am making Felted mittens for the kids. Even though they charge for Shipping now, it's still a meager amount, especially compared to their customer service. Check this out:
The Naked Sheep Yarn Shop
This email is to confirm the receipt of your recent order from The Naked Sheep
And this is the Second Email:
The Naked Sheep Yarn Shop
Thank you again for your order from The Naked Sheep. We hope your shopping experience with us was a pleasant one. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns about your order or our online store.
The following items have been shipped...
Did you note the times? I placed the order at 11:30. It shipped IN AN HOUR! You CAN'T beat that!! Service like that makes me come back again. And again. And again.
Just worked on my shawl again today. And looked up sock patterns, because it's been a while, and I'm going through sock withdrawl. I DID see in the latest Knit Picks catalog the "Socks Soar On Two Circulars" kit. I've always wanted to see what I'm missing out on by not doing socks on 2 circs. AND Maureen at work (Who I found out is a knitter, AND who is jealous because she didn't get the new Knit Picks catalog yet) might be splitting one of the sock yarn samplers on the back cover with me. $21.00 is more easily justifiable than $42.00. I mean, not that I don't have hundreds of dollars in sock yarn anyway, but I digress.
Pictures tomorrow of my shawl! And some socks if I start them--Peace Out!
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