Sunday, June 29, 2014

Latest Reading-Mr. Mercedes

My co-workers and I would joke that anyone who came into an interview at a library who answered the question: "Why do you want to work here?" with "I like books." automatically fails the interview.

The thing is, if we didn't like books, we wouldn't be there.  ;)

I am happy to have my summer off not only to catch up on knitting, but also reading.  I never get time to sit down and just read a book during the school year (between work and my own school), unless they are super quick YA books.  So I just sat down and read Stephen King's latest book Mr. Mercedes.

I'm a huge Stephen King fan, and the first novels I ever read were his.  My dad had a rule that as long as whatever I chose to read was something I would read in front of him, I'd be allowed to read it.  It was the same rule his aunt gave him, and the same rule I give my kids; if you are embarrassed to be reading it, it's probably not appropriate.

Anyway, King's latest book was an interesting departure from his usual.  But still a great read, and still written in his style.  I read it in about 2 days, and enjoyed it.  I'm trying to think of what else to read.

So I stumbled on this club called Book Riot.  If anyone has ever done it, I'd love to hear feedback.  It's $50 a quarter, you can quit any time, and you get a box of books and other "literary goodies" (along the lines of a yarn club, where you get the yarn and other yarnie goodness).  I think it's a cool idea, and I love the "no commitment" angle--whether because it wasn't my cup of tea or because I wouldn't have time to read during the school year

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Jammin' on a hot summer night

So Nick, Emily and I went berry picking on Thursday.  We picked flat of strawberries at Cuff Farms, took them home and did nothing with them.

Friday we picked up Anna from camp.  6 hours of total driving.  And, we did nothing with the strawberries.  Except I thought I was pretty ingenious and fit the entire flat into the fridge.  I had to move a bunch of stuff, put it the long way and take out a shelf on the door. 

Fast travel to Saturday.  Nicholas stayed at a friend's house, and comes bopping in about 1pm.  "Oh they gave me a pint of strawberries, so I'm trading them a jam from the freezer".

Have I told you how possessive I am about this jam?  How I covet it?  I don't even give any to family members.  My mother in law just LOVES it, and told me when I go strawberry picking I should bring her some because I know how she loves it.

Did I tell you that I told her she should go berry-picking when she's in Virginia this week with evil Sister-in-law and have HER make some jam?

So I literally saw strawberry red when my son handed out my jam.  Because I don't need a strawberry to jam trade.  I have strawberries.  That are just sitting in my fridge waiting for me to do something with them.


We made freezer jam last year, before I got a water bath canner.  So I decided I wanted to do "real" canning and can jam this year in my water canner.

Did I tell you we probably just had today to do it so the berries were still good?

Oh and I'm sure I failed to mention that it's 86 degrees with 90% humidity.  And our air conditioner went out the beginning of the week (we think it's the thermostat, but the guy isn't coming to look at it until next week)?

Yeah, I probably forgot to tell you all that.

Anyway, I canned.  And roasted.  The good news is I probably sweat about 10 lbs off.  It was like a sauna.  And I have 18 little jars of my labor of love.

And no.  You can't have any.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summertime fun

 I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that it's summer (even if it's already almost July).  My new job=not loving it so much.  It does afford me the summers off.  I told my husband I'd rather eat ramen noodles and pb&j and be poor than work summer school, so it's been a great summer.

So to sum up summer so far:  We're pretty poor, we've been spending lots of time in the backyard pool, I've been playing a lot of Fallout: New Vegas (and Viva Pinata--don't ask).  I'm currently reading Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King.  We're going to go strawberry picking (and do some jam making) this afternoon.  Anna is at camp until tomorrow; we haven't heard from her so we are hoping for the best.  Saturday is Star Wars night at the Timber Rattlers game (woohoo!).  It's all good!

And I have been knitting, which is awesome (I actually have time!!).  I just finished this illusion scarf as a test knit.  I can't wait until the pattern is published to share it with you.  If you watch Dr. Who, and know the Weeping Angels story:

I also got this beautiful spinning wheel at a consignment store.  It was my Mother's Day gift, only $125!  It's an Ashford Traditional:

Now I need to learn to spin!  I'll be joining the local spinning guild to not only get assistance, but to watch and learn from experts.  My biggest problem is I can't get the yarn to wind onto the bobbin--I think my springs need replacing.  So I try, try again!  And watch a lot of YouTube videos.

Stay tuned:  I've also been accepted for Blogging for Books.  My first book is a Nicky Epstein knitting book to review.  :)