So to sum up summer so far: We're pretty poor, we've been spending lots of time in the backyard pool, I've been playing a lot of Fallout: New Vegas (and Viva Pinata--don't ask). I'm currently reading Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King. We're going to go strawberry picking (and do some jam making) this afternoon. Anna is at camp until tomorrow; we haven't heard from her so we are hoping for the best. Saturday is Star Wars night at the Timber Rattlers game (woohoo!). It's all good!
And I have been knitting, which is awesome (I actually have time!!). I just finished this illusion scarf as a test knit. I can't wait until the pattern is published to share it with you. If you watch Dr. Who, and know the Weeping Angels story:
Now I need to learn to spin! I'll be joining the local spinning guild to not only get assistance, but to watch and learn from experts. My biggest problem is I can't get the yarn to wind onto the bobbin--I think my springs need replacing. So I try, try again! And watch a lot of YouTube videos.
Stay tuned: I've also been accepted for Blogging for Books. My first book is a Nicky Epstein knitting book to review. :)
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