Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review.
If you haven't heard of Nicky Esptein, here is a short bio about the author. I have had the pleasure of taking a class to learn her Knitting on the Edge, and her innovative and fun techniques will have you thinking of knitting in a different way.
In the introduction, the author states this book is the next stop on a thirty-year journey, and that the "goal was to fill this book with chic, wearable, but uniquely atypical garments that will appeal to knitters of all skill levels". Knitting Reimagined accomplishes this hands down. The techniques are amazing in and of themselves, from the tuck texture in her Buttons and Bows pattern to her pixilated weave drapelette, Epstein challenges the knitter to try new techniques. The instructions are easy to follow. Although the design instructions are solid, the reader is encouraged to try different techniques to make their own unique garments.
The main downside of the book is that it features garments that are atypical. It's possible many knitters will not see the garments as appealing, or, because the garments are so different, they may feel that they are picking up a book for one or two that they like, and that's a waste of money. My feeling is that this is the problem with many knitting books, especially those that date themselves. Pick up any knitting book someone paid $25 for in 1989 and see how many garments they find appealing to make again.
I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to challenge themselves with something different, someone who is great at knitting their own garments with a little encouragement to go off the beaten path, or someone who leans more toward Stephen West patterns over say, Knitting Pure and Simple. Of course, if you ever wanted to take those Knitting Pure and Simple patterns and kick them up a notch, Knitting Reimagined is the handbook for it!
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