Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Whatcha Knittin'?

So, what are you working on?

I'm back to my Mermaid sock. Yes, I put down the Debbie Bliss bag after 4 rows. Maybe I will finish it. There is a better chance that I won't. But I am enjoying my sock!

Here's a picture of Emily in her sweater.

The edges are still curled...ah well, it's still a cute sweater. And nice and thick!

And out my window today--snow. But of course, I mean, it's April right?
Everyone is sick here. Fevers, coughs. It's just not fun. And it was just this sudden thing, and now it doesn't seem to be going away. At least we have lots of family bonding time, right? Oy!


Ruby said...

Emily is adorable in her new sweater!

Sorry to hear about the illness, I know how awful that can be; I'm still trying to get rid of the cough. Hope you're all getting plenty of rest.

Susanna said...

Emily looks so cute. The sweater is lovely. Get well soon!

Thora said...

Oh my goodness - she is SO cute!