Monday, October 29, 2007

Forest Canopy Shawl

This is the best picture I could get of my Forest Canopy Shawl by myself:

It's getting there. Note the lifeline. I was further than this the first time I made this shawl. I didn't use lifelines the first time I made it. I was brave. I was confident. I had just read "At Knit's End: Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much" and found out that lifelines were for chickens. I was ready to go--and then I messed up.

Big time.

And I couldn't figure out where to fix it. So I set the whole mess down for weeks. I finally took a deep breath and ripped it out and started over. So far, so good. It's turning out's a lovely pattern and gorgeous yarn, so that helps things!

Special thanks to Thora for the kit, the book and the rubber-band-as-a-stitch-holder idea! You rock Girlfriend!