Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Longest Year

Really, there's a reason I haven't written in my blog in a long time. I haven't had any ambition to do anything. My depression has been overwhelming. I drink too much. I barely knit. It's sad.

But I'm trying to get it together. I started mittens for my husband. The worst part is my eyes are getting so bad, it's hard to see close up and far away with my glasses (and absolutely impossible to see far away without them.

I am looking forward to 2020, for many different reasons than I was for 2019. I hope to lift the fog that I've fallen under. I hope to be better to me.

I do have a knitting picture of the mitten cuff. And of my cat, Church, who also enjoys my knitting.

My wish is to say I'm sorry to anyone that feels I've wronged them, or been a bad friend.