Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year 2014

Well, I'm pretty proud I had my 2014 finished object done January 1.  Of course, I started it BEFORE 2014, but it's still done IN 2014.  I made Emily Moonkoosa slippers.  They felted a little small:

Before Felting

I also finished Brian's Dr. Who scarf just in time for Christmas:

AND I finished this Meow Hat that I decided to test knit on the spur of the moment.  School starts up again soon, and I won't have as much time to knit.  So I am frantically knitting these next few weeks:

That's all I got!  No resolutions (I didn't get my laundry room done from last year), but I did get a juicer for my birthday, so I am trying to add more fruits and veggies in my diet that way.  Maybe I will do a juice fast, but I don't know if I have it in me.  I'd LOVE to be skinny.  ;)