Sunday, January 31, 2010

I know, I know...about Time

Hey, I'm pretty happy to get in a blog post before the end of January. I've thought about it a lot, but never quite got here to do one.

Lots of health problems going on. I don't know quite what to say or do about that, but maybe there will be some answers soon.

I have managed to knit, and even finished something in 2010 already! I made some cool Fun Fur mittens for Emily's friend Gracie. Her mom says I should sell them, as they are the envy of the preschool set at school, but I just don't think I could manage all that Fun Fur knitting!
Furry Mittens

I also have a picture of the scarf I made for Barb. It took me forever, but I think it turned out really nice, and she finally got it for Christmas:
Barb's scarf

And this one is just because I managed to get all my pictures into the computer, and I like to share:
winter2009 005

PS--Dominoes new pizza: Better than it was before. Still not worth buying without a good coupon.